Antimicrobial MB

Antimicrobial MB

Here is how we helped in adding functionality and differentiation to a typical Roto molded tank

Antimicrobial MB Rotomolded Tank

Roto molded tanks storing water, placed on terraces, have been a standard sight for decades in rural parts of India. These plastic containers come in varied sizes and can store as much as 5000 L of water in them! They are made up of several layers, to ensure superior insulation performance. Outer layers are even UV stabilized to ensure prolonged life span of the product.

However, the product has not really evolved given how long it has been in the market. One of our customers (buying LLDPE resin) based out of Gujarat, was struggling to compete in an already cluttered market. We approached him with a new way to differentiate his product by adding some new features to the material.

We offered him a permanent Antimicrobial MB, which prevented any growth of microbes, bacteria, algae or fungus. The product imparts permanent properties which exceeds the lifespan of the product. This Additive Masterbatch by A1 Impex is supplied in a ready to use granules form and is to be added in very small quantities directly at the injection molding machine. This new feature helped our customer to create a new premium line of tanks, which helped him gain some competitive edge over people supplying the same old product.

For exploring innovative new features to add to your products, please do reach out to us on +91 9167684185 and

Application Rotomolded Tank
Storage capacity 1000 L
Product Antimicrobial MB
New Features Antimicrobial, Antiviral, Antifungal, Antialgae
Helped our customer with offering a new premium product in the market

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